Breaking: ‘Principality of Southwater’ secedes from Alsann, claims a third of Alsann’s territory

On January 11, a political entity calling itself the ‘Principality of Southwater’ issued a Notice of Secession from the Alsann Republic. An unprecedented move that sent Alsane officials reeling, it seeks to claim the large portion of Flinders in addition to Aeonia’s Ibisca, which together comprise one third of Alsann’s total territory.

In the Notice of Secession published today on the Principality’s apparent official website, it described itself as acting to ‘establish sovereignty over [their] lands’ and ‘secure nationality for [its] people’. In its first article, it urged Alsann not to take military action against its claims, saying if the Republic complies, it will follow suit.

Banner of the group, with apparent influence by Alsann’s.

The Principality of Southwater is governed by a Sovereign Prince, listed as ‘de Sydvand’, as its head of state. It also claims a ‘Crown Council’ of four people to be its legislature, based around the Three Logs in Ibisca, named as Timber Cove by the notice. Despite the highly grandiose nature of the declaration, there is no evidence to indicate citizenry other than the Sovereign Prince and intelligence suggests it may not hold military or political control of the regions it claims.

There has been as yet no official word from the Officer-General or the Federal Council on this developing situation, however officials the ANS has talked to have expressed a range of views. One politician has indicated they support the independence movement as a reflection of Alsann itself, where another dismisses the group as ‘flippant and power-hungry troublemakers’. A military commander we talked to, mentioning the apparent lack of territorial control, said they advocated for an invasion and dismantlement of a territorial threat.

As we await statements and action from Alsann’s highest offices, we urge Alsane citizens to be wary when travelling in the affected regions and to keep a sharp and cynical eye out for these separatists.

Alsane News Service.

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